Australia's Manuka Honey MGO 1200+ 250g
250g, Australia's Manuka (MGO 1200+)
Australia’s Manuka MGO 1200+. Our Rare Bioactive MGO Honey features in our high potency range of pure Australia’s Manuka Honey. Full of antioxidants, bioflavonoids and immune boosting enzymes Australia’s Manuka MGO 1200+ is one of the highest strength bioactive honey’s available on the market. It is perfect for taking by the spoonful to enjoy all the great benefits of this sweet and healthy super food.
A Rare Bioactive MGO Honey
100% Pure Australian Leptospermum Honey
Australia’s Manuka MGO 1200+ has all the properties of the previous medicinal MGO honeys but if you require a more rapid and potent action then choose this higher MGO 1200+ activity. The 1200+ MGO Australia’s Manuka honey we produce is one of the most potent antibacterial honeys in the world.
This ultra high-grade MGO honey supports your health with an array of phenolic compounds and antioxidants. The more scientists study this unique super food, the more they learn of its myriad supportive properties. The higher levels of MGO are best for internal use to promote and aid in digestive health, as they are the least susceptible to being watered down in the stomach. Not only that, but as the levels increase the honey naturally becomes creamier, richer, and silky smooth.
All our honey is 100% pure Australian Leptospermum honey, tested at independent laboratories before packaging to ensure it contains the required level of activity.
Antibacterial honey is cold extracted and processed differently to other honeys to help preserve its therapeutic antibacterial properties and active enzymes. Avoid heating to retain these properties.
Best consumed by the spoonful.